Escultura efímera, fent una instal·lació artística en exteriors d'entorns naturals del Garraf/Penedès, marítim i forestal, en una doble sessió fotogràfica, ( juny de 2017)
/ Although I have professional studies and training in photography, I don't work in photography for business and I neither consider myself as a photographer. My relationship with the photography and my photographic activities belong to a broader pourpose, and they would be considered as a kind of "photographic activism", (I also have been curator of photographic exhibitions, etc.). Open to some collaborations with models, dance and performance professionals, painters, or with several other kind of artists ...).
I also have done some research work about the Sitges' local photographers and Sitges' photographic associations. // Estimo la fotografia des d'una concepció àmplia i oberta, no concursista ni competitiva. Erren els fotògrafs professionals que es consideren superiors als afeccionats, i també els "artistes" que es creuen millors que altres fotògrafs sense pretensions. ///